Elite Glass Solutions
Välkommen till Elite Glass Solutions. Vi är ett professionellt företag som erbjuder glaslösningar av hög kvalitet för både privata och kommersiella behov. Vi är specialiserade inom vinterträdgårdssystem, glasräcken för balkonger och dubbelglas.
Med fokus på kvalitet och precision i tillverkningen kan du lita på att produkterna från Elite Glass Solutions är av högsta standard.
Elite Glass Solutions company has been growing every year by producing new systems and new molds starting from single glass balconies and growing to produce different types and most exclusive models of double glass winter garden systems, automatic pergola systems and Bioclimatic systems with best qualities and services that is able to compete with its competitors
Upptäck Våra Skräddarsydda glaslösningar hos Elite Glass Solutions!
Vårt senaste tillskott till Elite Glass Solutions kommer att förändra ditt utomhusutrymme för alltid! Våra vackra och moderna glasräcken ger inte bara en fantastisk utsikt utan också en känsla av lyx och säkerhet. Varför kompromissa när du kan ha det bästa? Uppgradera din balkong med oss idag!
Med vår passion för precision och innovation skapar vi skräddarsydda glaslösningar för alla behov.
Från moderna arkitektoniska designelement till elegant inredning – vårt glas är synonymt med kvalitet och elegans. Kontakta oss idag för att ta dina projekt till nästa nivå med vår expertis inom glaskonst och tillverkning.
Automatic Pergola system
The automatic pergola system is an intelligent system like a canopy. It enables the opening and closing of the canopy with the aid of the engine controlled with a long distance remote controls.
Despite the fact there are many different engine brands, we use one of the best engines, (Somfy) a French made engine.
The automatic Canopy wraps the fabric either with an engine or rolls and collects stretched fabric through Profiles to theend or beginning of the used area. In this way, the desired area is completely Closed or opened.
There are led lights on the poles and in the water channel.
Winter Graden
Double glass sliding system
The winter garden is an innovative system that combines many advantages with its general characteristics.
It can be completely opened on all sides or the desired sides can only be opened.
The facade windows that are opened have features such as sliding, folding and Guillotine systems. Glasses can also be preferred with different color options.
The system is used as an outdoor sitting glass room.
The Pergola System
It does not cause any leakages or pooling.
Prevents rain and snow from entering.
The Pergola system can be easily controlled with a long distance remote.
Wonderful colors and materials options.
The Pergola system gives you a natural light and ventilation.
The system can be used in all the four season comfortably.
Exklusiva Glasräcken för Eleganta Hem
Glasräcken erbjuder en elegant och modern touch till ditt hem eller företagsbyggnad. Vår högkvalitativa glasräcken kombinerar säkerhet med stil, vilket skapar en öppen och luftig känsla samtidigt som det ger ett sofistikerat utseende. Med vår expertis och noggrannhet i tillverkningen kan du lita på att våra glasräcken inte bara uppfyller höga säkerhetsstandarder utan också överträffar dina förväntningar när det gäller design och estetik. Oavsett om det är för ett trapphus, en balkong eller en terrass, kommer våra glasräcken att skapa en imponerande och professionell finish i varje rum.
Double Glazed Guillotine
Guillotine Glass Systems work automatically and manually, they have glass panels with unique vertical working characteristics. Guillotine Glass Systems are used as windows or glass railing doors.
The guillotine glass system is modified to suit the intended use.
The glass properties and profile options used meet the heat insulation expectations at a high level. Guillotine glass carrier materials provide high level of safety and security.
All Guillotine glass systems use special designed Italian trigger belts or steel rope mill cylinders. Tube engine systems can be used in 3 different brands. We offer 2 years services and materials warranty
Double Glazed Guillotine
It opens and closes vertically.
This new method has many advantages.
It is suitable to every space in the Sliding glass system.
It is possible to use remote control or the manual Button, to position the wing opening as desired. There are sensors to detect rain and wind. Even if you are in the area, guillotine Automatically closes the glass window wing.
Single Glazed Threshold Sliding System
Tempered special glasses are used in sliding glass systems made with 8 mm or 10 mm thickness.
Glasses are applied with aluminum gaskets as special fittings.
The glasses do not fold, which is why sliding systems are suitable with curtains and flyswatters.
The evacuation system guarentees the water insulation in the threshold sliding glass system.
It has a water evacuation feature.
While the system works in all kinds of unsteady environments, the lower wheels are self-balancing
Non-Threshold Sliding Feature
The bottom rail is moveable in the profile.
If preferred the combined windows can be locked.
It completely provides integrity.
Designed with a special profile to prevent people from getting stumbled by the bottom rails while entering and exiting.
Double Glazed Folding System
Elite Glass balcony makes your balcony a useful room with one of the best qualities in the market.
Elite Glass balconies uses the highest quality glass balcony isoIation. ThermaIIy insulated glass thickness is 4 + 18 + 4 mm. Tempered glasses are used between each profile and aluminum raving magnets are used in the middle profiles to help many glasses move at the same time. lt can be used as a balcony room with glass width within 40-65 cm and height up to a maximum of 260 cm. The system consists from 4 to 8 rollers in each rail.
Double Glazed Folding Feature
Protect from wind and water.
The profile is 20 mm thick.
Blinds can be used on the system.
All Elite profiles are our own self produced patented products.
Special water drainage channel profiles are used to export the rains out.
Elite Glasräcken – För Eleganta och Säkra Hem
Utforska Vår Exklusiva Glasdesign, Glasräcke, Double Glass Winter Garden Systems, Automatic Pergola Systems, and Bioclimatic System
Skapa Magi i Ditt Hem – Kontakta Oss för Designinspiration!